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Common Conditions: Fibromyalgia

The cause of Fibromyalgia, according to traditional medicine, is unknown. There are many factors that predispose to this condition. Natural practitioners will evaluate lifestyles and habits that influence overall (poor) health. This will give many indications as to why the person suffers from the condition. In many of these patients, the list of stressors far outweighs the list of positive life-enhancing activities.

Fibromyalgia does affect women more than men and it could be called the “Super Mom Syndrome.” For many, the all too common lifestyle in today’s world promotes a significant output of physical energy. The lifestyle of many “Super Moms”, as well as working people, adds the accumulation of physical, chemical, and emotional stresses depleting the systems of the body. Simply stated, the body cannot keep up with the demands of the modern-day lifestyle. This leads to a serious nutrient deficit, resulting in an endless cascade of imbalances such as essential fatty acid depletion, neurotransmitter imbalances, and burned-out adrenal glands which lead to hormonal imbalances.

 Acid/alkaline pH imbalance, poor digestion, and food allergies can lead to a suppressed immune system which promotes candidiasis overgrowth and a cycle that goes on and on and on. Instead of repairing the body, getting proper rest, replacing nutrient deficits, rehydrating the cells with water, and/or ridding the body of infectious organisms, the individual resorts to taking medication to mask the symptoms.

Running in many directions at the same time, household and family duties, the “Please Everybody Syndrome,” poor dietary habits, coffee and stimulant intake, fad diet habits, junk food, smoking, and high carbohydrates (caused by sugar cravings), complicated by numerous emotional stresses, all commonly accompany this self-defeating lifestyle and can contribute to the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a relatively new term used to describe an old problem. The condition usually starts with mild discomfort and can progress to be very debilitating.

Fibromyalgia shares many common features with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The only difference in diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and CFS is the requirement of musculoskeletal pain in Fibromyalgia and fatigue in CFS. The likelihood of being diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia or CFS depends on the type of physician providing the diagnosis. If the patient consults a rheumatologist or orthopedic specialist, he or she is much more likely to be diT


Dr. Carla Freeman has helped many clients over the years with Fibromyalgia. Through gentle chiropractic care and supportive therapies, many clients have found relief and expanded their capacities to deal with chronic illness. Dr. Freeman empowers her patients to manage stress more effectively and tackle the root causes of their health concerns. Through personalized treatment plans and a comprehensive understanding of the mind-body connection, Dr. Freeman assists her patients in fostering emotional resilience, promoting overall well-being, and achieving a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.

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