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Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique
(B.E.S.T.) in Phoenix

Addressing Stress

person with hands on headB.E.S.T. is a gentle or light force chiropractic technique to release stress. This method can be used to address a variety of symptoms caused by physical and mental stress. The doctor uses a light touch to guide your body in to releasing tension.

In response to stress, our body makes a defense pattern to handle what it thinks is going to happen. These patterns throughout life have kept you safe and helped you survive. Pain may cause mental and emotional stress, and vice versa; it’s a never-ending loop.

Pain may come from a high-intensity, short-duration stress, like a car accident or running a marathon. Or it might be a low-level, chronic stress that’s always in the back of the mind, like financial worries or concern about aging parents. Part of our evaluation is to determine where stress is effecting your body most.

What is Stress?

There are three main types of stress that affect the body. Physical stress, emotional stress and enviromental stress.

Physical stress is caused by trauma to the body – falls, car accidents, poor posture, bad ergonomics, too much sitting etc. The body responds with muscle tension in the back, neck and shoulders, trigger points, headaches and even digestion problems. All types of physical stress can lead to bones being out of place in the spine and bones being out of place in the spine can cause pain and interference to nerve function.

Stressful thoughts and experiences can also cause the physical responses listed above. The things we worry about, traumatic events, painful memories, concerns about what might happen in the present and future—all these things cause stress in our bodies. The body responds as though there is a danger and activates the “fight or flight” response. This response tenses muscles and shuts down digestion until the threat is gone. We are designed to be in “fight or flight” for a short period of time, but often, there are so many stresses to respond to in modern life and we get stuck there. This drains our resources and leads to abnormal metabolism and physiology.

Environmental stress can come from toxins in our air, water and food or from the toxins that build up in our body when our metabolism doesn’t work right. Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome all cause chemical stress in the body. Nutrition deficiency can also effect how our body processes and detoxifies toxins so a lack of nutrients can also cause the body to suffer from environmental/chemical stress.

How Could B.E.S.T. Help Me?

Pain and other chronic conditions often have a cause associated with a stress. B.E.S.T. works to get to the cause of the stress and stop the body’s reaction to it. When the inappropriate reaction stops, the body relaxes and digestion, hormone balance and healing are restored. Instead of focusing on “fight or flight” your body can focus on healing and digestion, which provides the cells with what they need to repair themselves. Less tension and stress in the muscles leads to less pain. And less pain makes your body better able to adapt to stress.

Pain may come from a high-intensity, short duration stress, like a car accident or running a marathon. Or it might be a low-level, chronic stress that’s always in the back of the mind, like financial worries or concern about aging parents. Part of our evaluation is to determine which ones are causing the most interference in your body and B.E.S.T. can be used to upgrade your body’s response to stress.

Skilled Care

Dr. Carla was certified at the Elite Master level in B.E.S.T. in 2010, and has written about and made presentations on the technique. It was the first method she used in her wellness clinic, and she continues to get great outcomes for her patients.

Schedule a Visit Today

We’re here to help you heal. Contact Abundant Health Arizona to schedule a visit today!


Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) Phoenix AZ | (480) 771-1700